KM specializes in creditor / debtor negotiations, implementing turnaround strategies, liquidation analyses and restructuring negotiations for under-performing companies. We have acted as “wind down consultants” to assist in the recovery of un-administered assets. We have assisted counsel with the defense of alleged fraudulent transfers to insiders. We have assisted Liquidating Trustees in litigation matters, forensic investigations, claims management, distributions (exceeding $1 billion), tax compliance and operational matters including asset identification, management of information systems and records retention. We have acted as special accountants to Bankruptcy Trustees for the purpose of proving insolvency of debtors.
We have been retained in numerous cases as accountants to SEC and FTC Receivers, Chapter 11 Trustees and other fiduciaries and investigated and testified as Experts regarding Ponzi schemes and assisted in the in claims analysis, administration and distributions to creditors and investors.
SEC and FTC Receivers, Federal Court-Appointed Receivers/Trustees
Creditors Committees, Secured Creditors, Debtors in Possession
Restructuring / Troubled Business Turn Around
Business Advisory